
hygiene, promises, not talking about my game

Site Hygiene: As much as I enjoyed having it and reading the comments, shoutbox is down for the time being. Neither the built-in IP-blocker or spam-catcher were working for some reason, and I was getting tired of endless Ambien shilling and Scandinavian porn offers. I’m going to see if the one I’ve been using has an updated version, or if there’s something else that’s improved and extra-shiny to replace it.

Empty Promises: I’m working on a bunch of new meshes, some of which may have actual utility if/when I finish them. This includes a deco batch of Ugly Dolls, a functional tansu staircase, and a Venetian-style mirror. The Ugly Dolls are easy since they’re just deco – I don’t know how to make them playable, which is certainly the main reason they’re deco. However, even if I did, they are just too stubby to adapt well to animation – I’ve seen a few toy meshes where the mesher had made the limbs longer to fit the animations with varying aesthetic success, and I just don’t think that Ugly Dolls look like Ugly Dolls with anything but nubbins for legs.

It’s good to have goals: It’s a secret goal of mine to fill up the whole front page with blather and yap, not a picture or download in site, and I’m almost there. Just a couple more “updates” like this one and I will realize my dream.

I am not even going to talk about the state of my game–which pretty much tells you all about the state of my game (see: drinking game tag).

1 Comment on “hygiene, promises, not talking about my game”

  1. #1 loneviolist
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    might I enquire as to whether the tansu staircase would be functional as a wardrobe as well as a staircase, or just stairs? (sorry if that’s a stupid question, just both functions would be awesome, so I hope that’s what’s meant by functional…)

    Apologies for any apalling typos, firefox is convinced that the text in your comment box matches the background, so I’m typing blind.

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